What to Write About

“How do I decide what to write about?”

That’s what a student of mine asked me earlier today. It’s a good question to ask, because most people choose topics based on reasons that won’t help them in the long run. I have noticed that my ESL students usually choose their topics based on one of the following criteria:

  • They write about what they think I (the teacher) wants to hear.
  • They choose topics they perceive as easy.
  • They choose a topic that inspires or excites them.

In my view, the best writing happens when the writer chooses the third option: they are inspired by the topic.

The truth about writing is that if it doesn’t excite you, it won’t excite your readers. If you’re not fascinated by the content, your insights will be mechanical and unattached. Plus, you’ll lose motivation along the way when it comes to writing and editing your work.

So, the next time you ask yourself, “How do I decide what to write about?”, start with what inspires you and build from there.

Vocabulary Explosion Course!

Join the waiting list for my Vocabulary Explosion video course. Perfect if you're studying for an exam like the TOEFL or IELTS exams.

Great, I will be in touch soon about my Vocabulary Explosion Course!