Thomas Edison English Listening Activity

Thomas Edison English Listening Activity

About 15 years ago, my family and I visited the birthplace of Thomas Edison while we were on a cross-country road trip. I have always been impressed with the brilliance and business acuity of Thomas Edison. I hope you enjoy this English listening activity I put together on a video I found on the life of Thomas Edison.

You might have found this page because you’re wanting to improve your English skills, or you may have found this page because you’re a teacher like me, and you’re looking for something to do with your class that gives them a break from their textbook. Either way, I’m glad to meet you. I created these comprehension questions about the life of Thomas Edison just for you.

If you’re like me, you may have heard a little about Thomas Edison in the past, but you aren’t sure about the details of his life. For example, I had no idea that Edison lived in Kentucky (my home state) for a while. Fun fact!

If you’re learning English and you have an interest in this genius inventor, watch this video to find out more about Thomas Edison. As you watch it, see if you can answer the comprehension questions below. This video would work best with an advanced ESL learner, because the speaker talks very quickly. I hope you enjoy this ESL listening activity!


  1. In what U.S. state was Thomas Edison born?
  2. What kind of student did Edison’s teachers think that he was?
  3. What did Edison’s mom do in response to the teachers’ comments?
  4. What was Edison’s first invention?
  5. True/False: Edison invented the first light bulb.
  6. What was Edison’s propaganda campaign called?
  7. What invention was Edison working on in 1888.
  8. What material did Edison try using to build furniture?
  9. What disease killed Edison in 1931?


  1. Ohio
  2. a slow one
  3. took him out of school and homeschooled him
  4. the phonograph
  5. false
  6. War of the Currents
  7. the motion picture camera
  8. a light foam concrete
  9. diabetes

What invention do you think changed the world the most?

Vocabulary Explosion Course!

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